Fixed in 2018.03:
Issue 78 – PreSaveAction does not get called on forms with SPEasyForms configuration.
Issue 79 – jQuery.noconflict does not always resolve conflicts with other versions of jQuery loaded.
Fixed in 2018.02:
Issue 75 – Form is being submitted without any validation, SP2013 and Later.
Fixed in 2018.01:
Issue 59 – Visibility based on the value of a field is only available for fields in the default content type
Issue 68 – Date / Time Field shows Date only in Read-Only mode on Edit Form (non en-us sites)
Issue 69 – Managed meta data in read only mode shows term and guid
Issue 70 – Add lists to an HTML Snippet Container causes the editor to come blank on subsequent page loads
Issue 73 – Fields in foreign lists do not load when the foreign list allows management of content types (affects cascading lookups, autocomplete, and lookup detail)